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Behind Cubic's success, the driving factor is the highly committed people who are motivated to continuously provide improvement and development...

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Cubic specializes in transforming an ordinary surface into aesthetic look. Our process enables the impression of natural patterns like wood, marble or granite...

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Refined original designs decorated by CUBIC PRINTING® add life to cold materials, creating new atmospheres to our everyday lives.

Our "CUBIC PRINTING®" is an original decoration technology, using special films printed with diverse range of designs. The special films are floated on to a body of water, an the objects to be decorated are pressed against the films to transfer the designs from the films using water pressure.

This technology can be applied to a wide range of materials and complex three dimensional shapes, enabling it to be used in the fields of automobiles, home appliances, mobile phones, interior decorations, and many more.

As a pioneer of water pressure transfer printing technology, we are constantly developing new technologies and designs in order to meer our customers' needs.

Creatived, Committed

& Competent

Our 3C Approach is designed as our unique model focusing on building our Product, Process and People and recognized them as interlinked building blocks that will serve as a guideline in achieving our business excellence.

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